Selasa, 08 Desember 2015

Anything for you

Another romantic song comes from Sami Yusuf with the title Anything for you. This song is the most romantic over all. Mengalahkan How long will I love younya, Ellie Goulding

I'm addicted to this. I'm the one who is easy to addict with little thing. This is one of the examples.

This song is too cool, sweet and melting me.. Succesfully makes me feel " I need the one who is described in this song for being my future", hueheee.. The pure heart, the faith, ikhlash and giving anything to the one we love will made us complete.. Sincerely.

Here we go,

Anything for you~~~ ready to release some butterflies, guys? Let's fall in love to the right person in the right time.

If there were a single sacred rose
On a mountain top that grows
Where nobody ever dares to go
For you I’d climb that mountain high
I would reach up to the sky
If that rose was your desire

Don’t you know that I
Would do anything
Would do anything
For you
I would do anything
Would do anything
Anything for you

For you, I would sail the seven seas
Walk the deserts in between
Just to bring you anything you need
Nothing could ever be too much
Anything to show my love
‘Cos it gives me strength enough

Don’t you
Don’t you
Don’t you know that I
Would do anything
Would do anything
For you
You know that I
Would do anything
Would do anything
Anything for you

For you I would take on any trial
And I would walk on through the fire
You give me strength enough to face it all
You make me feel invincible

‘Cos I would do anything
Anything for you
You know that I
Would do anything
Would do anything
Anything for you

These things are nothing to
All the things you do for me
You are my dream come true

A love I never knew you see
I’d take on a mountain high
Just to see you smile for me
You make me want to be
The very best that I can be

I would do anything
Anything for you
You know that I
Would do anything
Would do anything
Anything for you

Here is the link on youtube..

weird happiness of mine

Saya adalah pecinta musik lebih khususnya lagu, entah itu instrumen,lagu yg unik lirik maupun aransemennya,atau lagu2 baru yg lagi trend maupun lawas. Saya senang jika saya menemukan lagu yg saya suka, kesenangan saya ga sampai di memutar ulang lagu itu berkali-kali --sampaisayabosan-- tapi lagu itu akan saya bagikan ke orang2 terdekat saya. Haha saya slalu berkeinginan dalam hati kalo mereka harus mendengarkan lagunya,, klo bisa sampai mereka ikutan suka juga. Haha. Ntahlah apa maksudnya begitu, that is one of happines I think,, weird happiness?? Mungkin bagi sebagian orang, iyaa. Tapi tak apa, bagi sebagian yg lain juga senang kok dikasitau lagu bagus versi saya.hehe

Akhir-akhir ini saya kesulitan menyimpan mp3 yg sdg saya sukai,,  haha. Hasrat berbagi saya tidak tersalurkan, udah buaanyaakk nih. Anyone?

How long will I love you?

Kali ini saya ingin menuliskan lirik sebuah lagu dari Ellie Goulding yg berjudul "How long will I love you". Lagu ini saya dedikasikan untuk semua orang yg masih menyimpan cinta, yg tlh menemukannya atau telah melewatkannya. Lagu ini completely romantic in my opinion. Nilai ambang romantis saya kdg tlalu rendah,hehe but it's okelah.. Lagu ini tlh membuat saya jatuh cinta dg liriknya, sentuhan piano di awal,lalu diikuti humming (gumaman)nya, ahh menambah syahdu lagu inii..

Untuk yg belumtau liriknya, lagu ini termasuk lirik yg unik,, didalamnya ada beberapa pertanyaan yg selalu diikuti dg jawabannya. Kdg cinta mmg begitu, bertanya hal yg sudah diketahui jawabannya atau mungkin telah dilakukannya sebelum bertanya. *sotoy*. Mungkin bertanya sekaligus menjawab tujuannya menegaskan kali ya, *masihsotoy*, kalo aku tu kyk gini, beb. *drama*

Btw tiapkali hummingan dr Ellie Goulding dalam lagunya kesannya dari hati skali tems, saya jadi melted, pengen hummingan lagu ini juga sekenceng2nya humming,,biar samaan kyk Ellie jugaa,,, from the deepest heart,lah gituu.. Heleehh

Cekidot di youtube, search di google mp3 dan liriknya juga bisaa. Ayok donlooottt! Hihi😁

Niih liriknyaaa,,

How long will I love you
As long as stars are above you
And longer if I can

How long will I need you
As long as the seasons need to
Follow their plan

How long will I be with you
As long as the seas bound to
Wash upon the sands

How long will I want you
As long as you want me to
And longer by far

How long will I hold you
As long as your father told you
As long as you can

How long will I give to you
As long as I live through you
How ever long you say

How long will I love you
As long as stars are above you
And longer if I may

How long will I love you
As long as stars are above you.. 💕

Kan kaann,, bertanya teruuss, tp Ellie udah ngasi jawaban paling sweetnya kok, jd ga perlu pusing-pusing lagilah cari jawabannya.. 👌😂👋